Why Vegan ?
Benefits for your body

A whole food plant-based lifestyle is beneficial in the following ways according to long-term scientific research:-
- It reduces inflammation in the body, which in turn makes you heal faster, and prevents joint pain and degradation.
- It boosts your immunity as the body does not have to fight against a constantly hazardous cellular micro-environment formed by the naturally occurring toxic chemicals in animal foods such as meat, poultry, eggs and dairy.
- All plant products are naturally cholesterol free, free of trans fats and low in saturated fats.
- 4. Whole plant foods have many phytochemicals (any chemicals in plants); these even include all the beautiful colours found in fruits and vegetables that naturally have anti-ageing, antioxidative and oxygen boosting properties which are pillars of a healthy life.
- Plants are naturally high in fibres hence they clear your body of toxins better and help your daily stool to clear off any harmful pathogens in your body.
- Plants provide a healthy environment for the goof bacteria (at any given time human body has 5 times more bacteria than human cells) in your gut and the body itself, which help boost digestion and overall natural immunity. These bacteria are killed by the bad bacteria in animal products.
- Even the plant with the lowest number of antioxidants (lettuce) has 10 times more antioxidants than any animal product.
- Plant-based foods maintain the homeostasis of the body and a healthy hormonal balance. They boost testosterone in men and maintain the menstrual cycle in women.
- All whole food plant products naturally have vitamins and minerals which complete the daily micronutrient requirements. These micronutrients aren’t found in animal products and, if found, are added during the production of those animal products.
- When all of the above components are aiding your body, you will have enhanced athletic performance, better energy levels, more endurance and stamina, build muscle faster, and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Benefits for your Soul

Eating only plants and low-processed plant products are part of a larger cruelty free lifestyle:-
- No animal products mean no animals will be killed, harmed or slaughtered to provide you with a lesser form of nutrition.
- Eating plants makes you calmer and helps you sleep better and fuller.
- You will be guilt-free knowing that an animal corpse will not be in your stomach as no one wants a graveyard in their guts.
- The human brain works best with balanced neurotransmitter levels, and whole food plant-based nutrition keeps that mental balance on point.
- Most importantly, if you reach the oldest Ayurvedic texts and studies by the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, “you are what you eat ”. And Hippocrates rightly said, “let food be thy medicine”. No medicine tastes better than a perfectly grown mango.
Benefits for The Planet

Keeping the philosophy aside, we have a large biosphere where millions of ecosystems live, and we are moving towards a barren future :-
It has been scientifically and statistically established that consuming plant-based food itself reduces the global water utilisation massively; most of this water is used to irrigate the fields used to harvest the animals which are specifically born, fed and slaughtered for human consumption.
This water is also used to clean them, process their meat, and clean the places which carry out these activities. For example, behind a single patty of meat, there are nearly 2000 litres of water.
When these species of animals are put in a habitat for harvesting, the natural wildlife of the place becomes extinct due to completion for food and other resources.
Forests are cleared globally to provide food to these animals, which themselves have a very low nutrient profile. Around 80 % of the global forest which have undergone deforestation are for agricultural purposes, and most of this agricultural land is used to feed animals.
Global greenhouse emissions will be reduced through a plant-based lifestyle. Livestock globally contributes to around 18% of total greenhouse gases released, which itself more than all automobiles, planes and vehicles. Moreover, 60% of total greenhouse gases from food come from the meat industry.
Most of these factories globally of meat in the world pollutes the water, and excess wastes end up entering the water supply as these wastes are used to nourish the fields where crops are grown for these animals to consume, which are eventually